How to choose the right swimwear colors for your skin tone with Tasha Rui

Welcome to the vibrant world of Tasha Rui, where our prints are more than just designs on fabric—they're a celebration of your unique self! But with such a kaleidoscope of choices, how do you discover the hues that make you glow? Don't worry; we're here to take the stress out of the search and inject some fun into finding your perfect palette. 🌈

Step 1: Know Your Skin Tone

Let's start with the basics: skin tones. You might identify yours within the spectrum of very fair to very dark. But think of this as just the opening act. Your skin tone sets the stage for the symphony of colors that best complements you!

Step 2: Discover Your Undertone

The magic really lies in your skin's undertones—the subtle hues that make your skin uniquely yours. Are you team cool, warm, or the versatile neutral? Let's dive in:

1. The Vein Test: Look at your veins in natural light. Blue or purple hints at cool undertones, while green suggests warmth. Can't decide? You might be a neutral.

2. Sun Reaction: How your skin reacts to the sun says a lot. Tan easily without burning? You're likely warm or neutral. Burn quickly? Cool tones are your friend. And remember, dark skin that doesn't easily burn can still lean cool.

3. The White Paper Test: Hold white paper to your skin. Yellowish? Warm tones are for you. Pink, rosy, or blueish-red? Cool undertones reign. Greyish? You're neutral, with the freedom to explore both spectrums.

Step 3: Embrace Seasonal Colour Groups

Now, for the exciting part—matching your undertone with seasonal colour palettes:

• Spring: Think bright, fresh, and warm—like the first sunny days of spring breathing life into the world.

• Summer: Soft, delicate, and cool, reminiscent of a gentle sea breeze or a calm, shaded retreat.

• Autumn: Rich, warm, deep, and earthy tones that echo the rustic charm of fall landscapes.

• Winter: Bold, bright, and cool, capturing the crispness of winter air and the clarity of a starlit night.

Step 4: Express Your Personality

There's more to it than just skin tones and seasons. At Tasha Rui, we champion personal expression. Whether you're a mood enhancer, an innovator, or someone who simply loves to stand out, our swimwear aims to reflect your inner self.

Our range offers a spectrum from subtle to statement-making prints, encouraging you to dip a toe or dive in deep according to your comfort and style.

Make a Splash with Your Unique Palette

As you explore our collection, remember: these are guidelines, not rules. The true enchantment occurs when you wear what feels right, embracing prints that not only match but elevate your spirit. Many of our designs (with the odd exception) aim to blend warm, cool, bold, and light elements to ensure there's something for every skin tone, undertone, and personality. Ultimately, the question isn't whether the print suits you, but whether it feels like a reflection of you.

Ask, are the colours of the swimsuit and print helping you shine and sparkle?

Ready to discover your perfect print? Let your intuition lead the way, and allow Tasha Rui's swimwear to do the rest. Here's to making waves, not just in the water, but in showcasing your true colors. Dive in—the world is your ocean! 🌊👙