How to spring clean your wardrobe in 6 easy steps

Spring has arrived and it’s time to tidy up your wardrobe to get ready for the warmer months.

A new season can inspire you try new styles and looks - and the best place to start is with a little spring clean of your current wardrobe.

With a bit of time and organisation, you will be able to set up your wardrobe for fun in the sun. It can also help you be financially and environmentally sustainable - you’ll know exactly what you already have to wear for the season already .

Here is a step by step guide to inspire you to refresh your wardrobe for the warmer season.

Step one: review

If you have an eye for art and fashion - you likely are highly visual. Take out all of your wardrobe items and lay them out on a clean surface, either on your bed, or on a clean blanket on the floor. Organise the items by season and style.

How many swimsuits, tees, shorts, skirts, dresses do you have? What’s missing from your wardrobe?

Step two: clean your wardrobe

While you have everything out of the wardrobe cupboard and draws, it’s an opportunity to wipe down the surfaces. A damp, soapy cloth, wiped over the shelves, doors and handles should be sufficient. Be sure to allow time for the area to dry well. This is a good opportunity to add an eco wardrobe freshener, scent or reline your shelves.

Step three: edit

A good rule of thumb is, if you haven’t worn something last Spring or Summer season then you probably won’t again. Ask yourself, will you really wear this item again this season? That’s a good indication of how much value the item is contributing to your overall style.

Take the time to try on items. Ask yourself… Does it fit? Does it flatter? Does it match the way I want to present myself? Does it match the other items in my wardrobe? Take your time to enjoy… as this is the most important editing step and your doorway to wardrobe empowerment.

If an item is damaged, beyond repair or looking untidy, it’s probably time to recycle it.

A fun wardrobe is one filled with items that you love and help you shine your light.

Step four: sort

Ask yourself… What can be repaired? What can be recycled? What can be donated?

Start separating your items into piles: one to keep, one to donate to charity, one to recycle and one to alter or fix.

Identify the items to be worn this season and what items you will pack away til the cooler months visit us again.

Step five: organise the keepers

Wash any of the new season keepers that haven’t been worn in a while to give them a refresh. Remember to eco use wash bags, cool and gentle or handwash for your cossies.

Start categorising your keepers by item category, so that they can easily be folded or hung and put away into their new wardrobe homes. Organising by style and colour is a popular way for easily identifying items when choosing your outfits for the day. You could also categorise by the purpose of the item, e.g. officewear as separate from weekend attire.

Step six: wardrobe reset

It’s time to restock your wardrobe by your chosen categories.

If you have the space to store last season items out of the way, do so. Avoid plastic storage for natural fibre items or swimsuits as they can damage them.

If you don’t have the storage space, place those items you are unlikely to wear this season and the back and the new season at the front.

Fold everything to go onto the shelves by your chosen category and arrange them on the shelves. Hang everything to be hung in the wardrobe by category and arrange them in your wardrobe. Ensure that you can easilly identify and reach the new season items.