How to remove a stain on your swimsuit in 5 easy steps

Ahhhh! We all hate that moment when you stain your fave new outfit! Most of us know the basics of stain removal, but do you know what do you do when you stain your swimsuit? No? Well it is probably becasuse swimsuits are usually made from synthetic materials. That’s okay, we have you covered, keep reading…

Follow our 5 simple steps to remove a stain on your cossies…

Step one: prevention is always the best cure

Always rinse your swimwear right after use. Visit our blog on ‘how to care for your cossie at the beach’ and ‘how to wash your cossie’ for more details.

Step two: choose the right products

Choosing the right products means that you will be selecting an effective stain remover and minimising the amount of products you will need to apply. It will be important also for ensuring that you do not damage your cossies during the washing process.

This includes choosing the right sunscreens, to ensure that the impact on your skin, the environment and your cossie is managed. Check out our ‘how to choose a sunscreen’ blog.

Step three: pre-treat spot stains

Spot-treat and gently work the solution into places that require more attention:  straps, ties, underarms area, the edges along a bikini top, and the waistband.

Stain removers are great to remove stains from swimwear. However, it is best to first test stain removers on the swimsuit to make sure that the colour doesn’t bleed.

Step four: soak

Mix a very very lukewarm water (never use hot water) with a capful of enzyme enriched detergent and soak your swimsuit for 30 minutes.

Rinse with cold water and leave to dry. For tougher stains, go over them very gently with a soft toothbrush and repeat the process.

Step five: gentle wash and air dry

Take it easy on your cossie, and wash is gently by hand in cold water or on the easiest care wash cycle you can in a garment bag, followed by a gentle air dry. Follow our recommended washing guide on the Tasha Rui blog.

Stubborn stain?

Have a specific stubborn stain and need a more robust solution? Then keep reading…

  • Yellow stains: The culprit is usually sunscreens or chlorine. Pour 1 cup of white vinegar into a bucket. Add 1.5 litres of very very lukewarm water (never use hot water) to the bucket. Soak your swimsuit for an hour in the mixture. Rinse in cold water. Check what chemicals are in your sunscreen - read our ‘how to care for your cossie at the beach’ and or ‘how to choose a sunscreen’ blogs for more tips.

  • Self tanning and taning oil stains: Best not to apply tanning solution or oils while wearing your fave cossie - but we understand that life happens. Try a gentle, preferrably earth friendly, dish washing detergent. Rub in gently with your fingers. Wash with cold water. Repeat if still visible.

  • Alcohol stains: Enjoyed a few strawberry daquaries at the beach this summer? Okay, try this. This is the only time we recommend a wamer water - do not make the water too hot as your swimsuit won’t enjoy that. Add 1 teaspoon of pre-soak product. and soak for 30 minutes. Don’t leave soaking for too long. Rinse in cold water.

  • Tea and coffee stains: Some of us enjoy a coffee pre or post swim, we get it! Hopefully you are using your re-usable cups! As with alcohol stains, this is one of the few occasions we recommend a wamer water - do not make the water too hot as your swimsuit won’t enjoy that. Add 1 teaspoon of pre-soak product. and soak for 30 minutes. Don’t leave soaking for too long. Rinse in cold water.

  • Chocolate stains: Chocolate ice cream is tempting, we hear you! What isn’t so cool, is chocolate stains. We recommend the remedy of spot treatment with a stain remover. Then follow steps on our ‘how to wash your cossie’ - except we really recommend hand washing in this instance.

If you have any eco friendly stain removal tips yourself, please share with us.