How to care for your cossie at the beach in 5 easy steps

We know you want to enjoy your day at the beach without fussing over your swimsuit, right? We live in sunny Australia, afterall. Want to know how you can have a blast at the beach, whilst caring for your cossies? Yes? Keep reading…

Follow our 5 simple steps to lengthen the life of your cossies…

Step one: choose the right products

Choosing the right products can not only help your health, the health of the environment, but also help your swimsuits to last longer. It’s important to read the active ingredients on the label of any product you purchase.

You want to be looking for gentle wash products, and wash bags, to protect your swimsuit for your after swim care. And you want to be looking for reef friendly suncream or one with the least possible harmful ingredients for your swimsuit and for the environment, once your sunscreen washes off into the ocean.

We cannot tell you - backed by science - exactly what products and brands to buy, but we can share some indicators for you to look for… check out our ‘how to choose a sunscreen’ blog.

Step two: apply your products with care

Apply suncream and allow to dry before putting on your swimsuit to avoid the fabric fibres being covered in chemicals. Waiting about 30 minutes to put on your cossie after application should do the trick.

Avoid putting sunscreen or tanning oil directly onto your swimsuit, as they can break down the fabric and/or cause discolouration. If you do get these onto your swimsuit, rinse it off immediately with fresh water or tap water.

If you do stain your swimsuit, visit our blog on ‘how to remove a stain on your swimsuit’.

Step three: avoid abrasions by being prepared

Take a towel, or sarong to sit on at the beach whether you are planning to or not, you may end up sitting or laying on hot sand or rocks and it is best to be prepared to protect your cossie - even if you are aren’t worried about protecting your butt!

Step four: give yourself and your cossie a beach shower

Make the most of Aussie beaches amenities, by giving yourself and your cossie a quick post swim shower to rinse of the salt.

Much like giving yourself a bit of a rinse down will protect your skin from burning in the sunlight, this will also protect your cossie.

Step five: post wear gentle wash and air dry

Take it easy on your cossie, and wash is gently by hand or on the easiest care wash cycle you can, followed by a gentle air dry. Follow our ‘how to wash your cossie’ guide on the Tasha Rui blog.